

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

6. Data Analysis

6.1. SPSS Data

6.2. Arm span vs. Height
p < 0.0005


p < a, reject the null hypothesis, means there is a association between the length of arm span and height.

Pearson’s R= 0.996 > 0, indicates a positive association.
Pearson’s R= 0.996 > 0.8, indicates a very strong association

Result: there is a positive, very strong association between a person's arm span and height.

6.3 Arm span vs Height vs Gender

The association for male is r = 0.986, p < 0.0005, n = 14, a = 0.05

The association for female is r = 0.960, p < 0.0005, n = 16, a = 0.05

p < a, reject the null hypothesis

Pearson’s R > 0, indicates a positive association.
Pearson’s R > 0.8, indicates a very strong association

Result: there is a positive, very strong association between a person's arm span and height for different gender with the association for male and female.

6.4 Arm span vs Height vs Race

The association for Chinese is r = 1.000, p < 0.0005, n = 13, a = 0.05

The association for Malay is r = 0.991, p < 0.0005, n = 9, a = 0.05
The association for Indian is r = 0.993, p < 0.0005, n = 8, a = 0.05

p < a, reject the null hypothesis

Pearson’s R > 0, indicates a positive association.
Pearson’s R > 0.8, indicates a very strong association

Result: there is a positive, very strong association between a person's arm span and height for different races with the association for Chinese, Malay and Indian

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known"6:48 AM.

Profiles of 5 Reseachers
From NR0923
>> Tan Poh Yin
>> Muhammad Ihsan
>> Nur Fahana
>> Melody
>> Xiao Lan
We are a group of students from Nanyang Polytechnic, in School of Health Sciences. Our course is Diploma in Nursing. We are the Year 2 students. Our blog is the part of our research for the module- Statistics, HS2135.
The Research Topic
Do you agree with Leonardo’s work on how the size of one body part is related to that of another body part for the purpose of instructing painters on how to paint the human body? For example: is the length of the arm related to the circumference of the neck?

get one from cbox!
Jul 7, 2010
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.